This is what arrived late February. Someday soon, I will knit it. The packaging was beautiful. There were chocolates involved!! The pattern is very detailed. I don't know where I found out about this but I was doing my usual blog browsing and next thing I know, I'm placing an order. I'm so weak.
I did get back to a stole I started last summer. Faux Russian Stole from a GOL.
I am using Opal Uni-solid in brown. I bought locally. It is working out very nicely. I purchased Addi lace needles for this and it is very nice. Since then, I obtained Knit Picks' Harmony. Those are nice, too, and more affordable (I have many, many circulars...). I hope to finish this this year. I'm not so sure about Frost Flowers and Leaves. The Shetland Tea Shawl should be getting some attention as I only have the edging to do, but...I get entranced in the rhythm of the FRS. I am at 2.5 repeats. I intend on following the recipe and complete 5.5 repeats. In the meantime, I still work on socks to pass the time in between cases.